2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 69" Guest:
2006 Year in Review with Vern Beachy from Carroll,
for the 2006 Year in Review and it's always a pleasure to talk about
the news, issues, and people from this past year with Vern
Beachy. We talk
about the usual topics like biggest news story of the year,
Person of the Year, biggest taxpayer rip-off, and the biggest consumer
rip-off, but we also talk about the biggest surprise of the year, the
small story that needed more attention, and the biggest "who cares"
news stories for 2006. Vern and I also hand out the 2006 Hosebag of the
Year Award. Vern asks me what I've learned from
my interviews this past year, what was my worst interview of the year,
and which was my favorite interview of the year.
Check out Vern's blog at |
My Choice for 2006 Hosebag of the
Year: Boulder County District
Attorney Mary Lacy |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 68" Guest
Host: Samuel Gordon-Stewart from Canberra, Australia
Gordon-Stewart is our first Guest Host, and this episode is
networked simultaneously with his show in Australia. Samuel and
guest from America talk about various topics related to the Christmas
season such as consumerism, religion, and how cultures and beliefs
outside of Christianity view and perceive the holiday. Bill
shares a funny story about a personal Christmas experience.
During "Ask Samuel 3", Samuel is asked about one of
his family traditions at Christmas, how he thinks others who
celebrate the holiday perceive Christmas, and what policy needs to be
changed for Australia to be stronger in the years ahead.
Our First Guest Host Samuel Gordon-Stewart |
Check out Samuel's Podcast
Persiflage |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 67" Guest:
Harrine Freeman from Washington, D.C.
Harrine Freeman from Washington D.C. is our guest to talk about an
important holiday topic, the credit card business. Harrine
and I
discuss why the credit card companies target undergraduate students and
individuals who will most likely not pay their bills on time.
talk about the root and the size of the problem in the U.S. and I dig
into how credit card companies market and prey upon those
individuals that are most vulnerable to interest fees and late charges,
and you'll hear a credit horror story of how someone became $1,000,000
in debt. We also discuss why the educational system in this
country isn't doing enough to teach young people how to manage their
finances, and what pitfalls some consumers fall into during the holiday
Our Guest's New Book:
How To Get Out of Debt - Get an "A" Credit Rating for Free Harrine Freeman |
I f
you have questions about your credit situation, you may contact Harrine
Freeman at (202) 251-2503 or send an email to her at
[email protected]
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 66" Guest:
Adam Reuter and The 6 Degrees from Truth - Michael Moore
Adam Reuter from Baltimore, Maryland joins us to talk about his latest
DVD, "The 6 Degrees from Truth: Michael Moore". I
ask Adam
if Michael Moore is still a working class guy, and if his films are
more personal essays than documentaries. We dig into the
inconsistencies in two of Michael Moore's films, Bowling
For Columbine and Fahrenheit
9/11, and I
play devil's advocate with Michael Moore's
creative license on both of these films. Adam and I also talk
about the Teacher's
Guide for Fahrenheit 9/11
and how a far left liberal view is being presented in some classrooms
across America. Adam asks me what was my most embarrassing
teenage moment, if I had the choice what time period would I like to
live in, and what was my favorite Christmas gift as a child.
Our Guest:
Degrees from Truth: Michael Moore Adam Reuter |
Visit Adam's Podcast:
and Raves Adam Reuter |
official Michael Moore website:
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 65" Guests:
Midas, Larry, and Dee from the Common Sense Political Party
principles from the Common Sense Political Party join us for
of their first interviews. Midas Welby, their Presidential
Candidate for 2008 is the main spokesperson during our conversation and
he's supported by his Vice Presidential running mate Larry, and Dee who
is their campaign manager. I ask them why they are the
for change in the U.S., details about their campaign, and about their
solution for the healthcare crisis and the war in Iraq. I
ask Midas, Larry, and Dee about international issues including the
trade deficit with China and relations with Pakistan. At the
of our conversation Midas explains their proposal for income
reform which includes a 4 percent flat tax.
One of Our Guests:
Candidate Midas Welby |
For More Information
the Common Sense Party: |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 64" Guest:
Jeremy Borash from TNA iMPACT!
Borash joins us from Nashville, Tennessee and serves as the
backstage interviewer for all TNA "iMPACT!" and Pay-Per-View events.
Jeremy talks about pro wrestling and his days
working for me
as my Operations Director and Morning Personality in Fort Dodge.
In our conversation Jeremy tells a few stories about
goes on behind-the-scenes in pro wrestling and stories from his Fort
Dodge radio days including the famous Wheel of Meat. Jeremy asks me if
I've ever seen a pro wrestling move used in an actual fight, asks me to
name the cable TV network his show is on, and to name the star of the
TV show that Jeremy had an appearance on.
Our Guest:
TNA iMPACT! Jeremy Borash |
Check out Jeremy Borash
Primetime TNA iMPACT! on Spike TV |
October 30,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 63" Guest:
Peter Reddy from Killcare, Australia
Reddy returns for another conversation on what is going on in Australia
and the world, and how the world views the United States.
Peter and I discuss the recent comments by Muslim
Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly, and discuss whether the U.S. has more
friends or more enemies. Throughout the discussion we talk
China, and how Chinese imports are ruining both the Australian and
American economies. Peter asks me if I think there will be a
when religion will no longer be relevant, if the world would be the
same without art, and if I think the Internet will kill Television.
View Peter's
Interview from Australian TV "Yianni's
City Life" on YouTube |
Samples of
Peter's Fantastic Art Work on YouTube |
23, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 62" Guest:
Will from Omaha, Nebraska
Will is
the host of Smart Bomb Radio which he produces from Omaha, Nebraska.
Will and I trade off views in a what-do-you-think/here's-
what-I-think forum. Topics that we tackle include if Iraq is
another Vietnam, is China sincere with their pledge to uphold UN
sanctions against North Korea, and who's going to come out the winners
in the elections next month, the Democrats or the Republicans.
Will asks me if I prefer ninjas or pirates, if I could sucker
punch one person who would it be, and what is my favorite band of all
Will from Omaha, Nebraska |
Check out Will's podcast |
16, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 61"
Barry from Chicago, Illinois
lives in Chicago and is the host of the Barely Podcasting Podcast.
Barry and I play true or false with a number of issues in the
news today including North Korea, President Bush, Hillary Clinton, Mel
Gibson, and George Washington. We also discuss why the
have given Osama Bin Laden a free pass, and I give my opinion on a
trade to bring in Osama alive. Barry asks me if
money were
not an issue what would I do for the rest of my life, what sporting
event would I love to see, and who would make up the perfect rock band
if I could choose the members.
Our Guest From Chicago,
Illinois Barry |
Check out Barry's podcast at |
9, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 60" Guest:
Imran Anwar and North Korea, Osama, & Iraq
asked Imran
Anwar back from his busy schedule of appearances on CNN and Fox News
Channel to talk about what is going on
right now in North Korea, Iran, and Iraq. First and foremost
talk about North Korea and the country's intent on testing a
nuclear weapon. We discuss whether
Osama Bin Laden is still alive or not, why the Muslim world has given
Osama Bin Laden a free pass, and we take the gloves off over
issues including whether President Bush is a religious zealot or not,
the comparison between President Bush and Ronald Reagan, and what was
the role that Congress played in starting the War on Terror.
also ask if there has ever been a time when the Arab world hasn't hated
the United States. Imran asks me what I
think the
solution to Iraq is, will my solution make Iraq a larger breeding
ground for terrorists, and is it a matter of time before members of
Hezbollah attack the United States because of our support of Israel.
Check out Imran's website |
Imran's Appearances on CNN and
Fox News Channel |
2, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 59"
Tom from Detroit, Michigan Tom
lives in the Detroit area and is the host of the Leftwing Nutjob
Podcast. Tom and I talk about how people form their political
views and talk about how good it is to share opposing political views.
Then we get into the political views. I ask what
are the
Democrats offering to make a voter say they're tough on
terrorism, how the left views the Muslim world, and how the
is helped or hurt by Michael Moore's films. I also ask if
Clinton should give up her presidential aspirations. Tom and
also get out the crystal ball and give our predictions for the
Democratic and Republican tickets in 2008. Tom asks me about
Gregg Rolie vs. Jonathan Cain in a Journey showdown, what do I think
have been the factors behind the decline of terrestrial radio, and if I
was President Bush what would I have done differently in conducting the
War on Terror.
Check out Tom's Podcast: |
Answering My Tough Questions in
2001: Democratic
Governor Tom
Vilsack of Iowa |
25, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 58" Guest:
Mark Horner, Author of "September Sacrifice"
Horner is the author of "September Sacrifice", a fascinating book about
the Girly Chew Hossencofft Murder case. It's a true story
about a
decent, hard-working woman, her greedy soon-to-be ex-husband
is a master manipulator, and his new girlfriend/accomplice who believed
that reptilian shape shifting aliens live among
us. Mark
me what a person needs to start and maintain a successful podcast, if I
think the future of traditional radio programming is threatened by
podcasting, and if I wonder where my career would have gone had I
stayed on-the-air as an announcer. Encore presentation,
originally aired November 8, 2005.
Check out Mark's site
| Girly Chew |
Diazien Hossencofft
& Girly | Diazien Hossencofft |
Photos courtesy of
Mark Horner
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 57" Guest:
from Chicago, Illinois Thom
is the MC, writer, and co-creator of The Flying Cat Circus.
talks about his show and how much trust is involved when he's sawing an
apple in half with a chain saw while someone else holds it in their
mouth. Thom tells how he's been injured practicing his show,
Thom also shares a funny story about the worst gig he ever did from a
Harley-Davidson dealership that also featured a guitarist from
Warrant. Thom asks me what podcasts do I listen to, what is
favorite tech toy, and if I was in a circus what would my act be.
Check out Thom's show |
Promo: Solipsisticnation |
Promo: Chance |
Musical Guest: Farewell Redemption
"Release Me" & "Get By" |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 56" Guest:
the "Armchair President" from Gilbert, Arizona Patrick
is known as the Armchair President and has launched a non-traditional
political campaign for President of the United States.
Patrick and I discuss his non-traditional campaign in depth including
his lack of political experience and his solutions for the problems
that face our country today. Patrick describes his view of
our Constitution has eroded, and shares whom he would choose
his Vice Presidential running mate if he received the Democratic
Nomination for 2008. Patrick asks me which episodes of this
is the most popular with our audience and which is my personal
favorite, what I think about the War on Terror, and where
would I
like to see my podcast be in the future.
Check out Patrick's Campaign |
Our First President George
Washington |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 55" Guest:
from San Francisco, California Mike
lives in San Francisco and is the host of the Cool As Hell Theatre
Mike and I talk about the San Francisco Fringe Festival and
of the festival's featured artists and performances.
There are some strange ones at the SF Fringe Festival,
a performance based around a fictional suicide art
movement, which
begs me to ask the question if these performers are disconnected from
the rest of the world. We also talk about the arrest of John
Karr and what people in San Francisco are saying about it.
asks me what would I tell the victims of Hurricane Katrina right now if
I was the President, what makes me an advertising guru, and what three
motorcycles would I take with me if I were stranded on a desert
 |  |
Listen to
Mike's Podcast |
Promo: Chance - Win An Ipod Nano |
28, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 54" Guest:
Malcolm From Singapore Here's
an encore presentation of our rare interview with an enlisted man in
the Singapore military by
the name of Malcolm. It's rare because the Singapore
can sue a citizen for speaking out against them (as
explained in this interview) and for that reason many do not share
their opinions openly, especially with outside media. But in
interview, Malcolm shares his views on the Singapore Government, gives
his opinions on the execution
of an Australian citizen, and explains how and why the Singapore
Government controls the media. Malcolm
asks me about Black Friday shopping, about the military draft in the
United States, how are U.S. relations with Mexico and Canada, and if
Americans see themselves as the "gangsters of the world".
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 53" Guest:
Eddie from Dublin, Ireland and the 9/11 Truth Movement
is a 28 year-old native of Dublin and hosts his own vidcast
TedPod. Eddie describes what Dublin is like, and some tips
people who visit Ireland. But the bulk of our conversation
centers around Eddie's examination of the 9/11 truth movement and his
theories as to who conducted the attacks on the World Trade Center, how
they did it, and what their motive was. Eddie talks about the
face-less elite, puppet governments, remote control commercial
airliners, passengers being gassed, phone calls from the
being electronically recreated, and the conspiracy that would be
conducted by the mass media if someone came forward with information on
this plot. Eddie asks me if I
believe the attacks on the World Trade Center was an inside job, where
do I see the world 10 years from now, and does money make you happier.
the way, you can hear me pounding my
head on the desk at the 41:45 mark.
 |  |
Ted's vidcast, TedPod |
Promo: Barely Podcasting |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 52" Guest:
Samuel Gordon-Stewart from Canberra, Australia
is a 19-year old blogger and podcaster from Canberra, Australia.
Samuel and I talk about forum bullies and he tells of his
negative experience with another blogger. Samuel describes
condition of Australia today, we find out what Australians are
saying about the war between Israel and Hezbollah, and what is the
biggest international concern of Australia. Samuel asks me to
share a weird dream that I had recently, what advice could I give to
someone that wants to start their own podcast, and if I had the power
to change one thing in the world, what would that be.
Check out Samuel's blog at |
Check out Samuel's Podcast
Persiflage |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 51" Guest:
Steve from Maple Grove, Minnesota
was our very first guest, and we've brought him back to compare how his
view on the world has changed over the past year. We revisit
issues of high gas prices and terrorism, and we also talk
the recent war between Israel and Hezbollah. I ask Steve what
country should be doing more of, Steve talks about the issues
Minnesota, and we get the crystal ball out and look at where Russia and
Cuba will be in 10 years. Steve also shares a funny radio
that includes you know who. Steve asks me what was my
Mel Brooks movie, which musical
performer influenced me the
most, and where do I see myself in 5 years.
Our Guest:
Maple Grove, Minnesota Steve |
The small radio station where
Steve & I worked together |
July 31,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 50" Guest:
Toby from Santa Cruz, California
is the founder of and we talk about the sports betting
business. And big business it is. Toby tells us how
big the
sports betting industry has become, who is doing it, and
who the
big players are. I ask Toby when did poker become a sport,
and we
talk about the recent arrests of David Carruthers, CEO of the online
gaming company Bet On Sports. For anyone
who plays fantasy football, Toby gives an insight on how he picks his
players for a winning fantasy football season. Toby asks me
invented the window envelope, if I think a porn star will ever become
President of the United States, and if I think the current
administration is the worst in history. Then we start to talk
politics. Funny how the conversation always turns to politics
on this show.
Our Guest: From Santa
Cruz, California Toby (a.k.a. Ace) |
Check out Toby's site at |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 49" Guest:
Charley and Carol from Israel
and Carol from Israelisms Podcast are back and give us an amazing
insight to what is going on in Israel during the current war with
Hezbollah. You'll find out what your not seeing when you
the American and international news networks, who's is
the war the best and who is the worst. Charley and Carol also
describe how worthless the U.N. is, what everyday life is like since
the war started, how they see the connection between
Syria and Iran, and why you shouldn't be considered a civilian
you have bombs in your basement. Charley and Carol also have a special
message for Americans and to our listeners around the world.
Charley and Carol ask me what is my favorite rock group of
all-time, what daytime talk show host I would like to interview, and
who I thought did the best news interviews.
Listen, enjoy, and subscribe to
Charley & Carol's podcast |
P.S. You can hear the
fighter jets over Israel at the 26:45 mark, and the cicadas in Iowa at
the 23:10 mark.
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 48" Guest:
Imran Anwar and Pakistan, North Korea, Iran
Anwar is a frequent and popular media guest, including live interviews
and appearances on CNN and Fox News Channel as an expert on global
business strategy, socio political affairs, and South East Asia.
Imran and I go toe-to-toe on Pakistan and their
with North Korea and Iran. Imran describes the terrorist
in the Middle East, why North Korea has the most dangerous
in the world, and why the world cannot afford a nuclear armed or an
extremely wealthy Iran. I also prod Imran to give me an
of one
positive Muslim role model that the world can look up to today.
asks me what the average American thinks of Muslims, do I think all
Muslims are trying to do the west in or is it just a few, and what can
we do as Americans to build bridges throughout the world. By
the way, count how many times the word "nutjob" is used in the show.
Check out Imran's website |
Imran's Appearances on CNN and
Fox News Channel |
July 10,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 47" Topic:
RC Gorman and The FBI Confidential Files
Gorman was an icon in the art world and considered to be a
treasure for the
state of New Mexico. His friends included film stars such as
Elizabeth Taylor, Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. His
work was collected by Barry Goldwater, Gregory Peck, Erma Bombeck, Lee
Marvin, Andy Warhol and others. But in October
of 1997,
the FBI began collecting information regarding numerous
sexual relationships RC Gorman had with children that spanned
20 years and involved transporting children across
state and
international boundaries for illegal sexual activities. Vern
Beachy, who conducted his own investigative news reports tells
what he learned about RC Gorman back in 1999 and shares brand new
information including the depth of Gorman's association with
Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and several catholic priests. Listen
to the show, take a look at all the supporting information below, and
draw your own conclusion.
 | |
RC Gorman
to Vern Beachy's Reports & Examine The Supporting Documents
| View The FBI Documents
Larry Barker's
Report - 6/30/2006 | |
 | |
Read The October 6, 1999
Entry | View A Victims Story
Larry Barker's
Report - 7/26/2006 | |
July 3,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 46" Guest:
Vern Beachy from Vern Beachy's Raves Blog
time to review the news so far in 2006, and Vern Beachy is just the guy
to do it. What makes our prospective different from what you
would see on TV is that all these opinions come from what we
from the average person as being important, instead
of an on-the-payroll media expert who is basking in their
once-a-year camera time. We talk
about the biggest news story of the year so far in 2006, the biggest
taxpayer and consumer rip-off, the biggest "who cares" news story we
were made to suffer through, the best/worst TV news shows and
more. Vern and I also have our list of candidates for the 2006
Hosebag Of The
Year Award.
Vern asks me about my worst dining experience, my best dining
experience, and how I think the mid-term political elections will shake
Check out Vern's blog at |
Promo: Leftwing Nutjob Podcast |
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 45" Guest:
Carrie from Lisle, Illinois
has been a graphic artist for over 17 years and is also a singer in a
professional women's chorus. Carrie and I talk about her
neighbors, her commute to work, and the advantages and disadvantages of
working from home. Carrie also shares a funny work
her theory about the anti-Martha, and we play Celebrity Square Root.
Carrie asks me about the importance of art in
education, if I prefer my pop tarts toasted or right out of the
package, and what electronic device or gadget would I never want or
have a need for.
 |  |
Our Guest:
Lisle, Illinois Carrie |
Musical Guest:
Detroit, Michigan:
The Fags
"Truly, Truly" | Musical Guest:
St. Louis, Missouri:
"Fool Around" |
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 44" Guest:
Michael from Houston, Texas
is a music teacher and produces his own podcast called
Mikeypod on the Bayou. Michael and I talk about My Space
socializing and how it may affect the interpersonal skills of
youth today. We also discuss the death penalty, the Green
and who is representing the left today. Michael asks me what
my favorite source of news, which of my achievements in life am I most
proud of, and do I see podcasting someday being as important
as TV
and radio is today.
Find out more
Michael |
Musical Guest:
North Carolina Patty Hurst Shifter
"Sadder Side" |
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
May 22,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 43" Guest:
Kenneth from Hopkinsville, Kentucky
lives in a small town in Kentucky and started a website called
I ask Kenneth's opinions on immigration, whether the
should provide for the poor, what this country should do about energy,
and should the NSA continue to eavesdrop domestically.
Kenneth explains to me why there are pockets in the
that are still
bitter about the American Civil War, and shares his opinion on who he
is responsible for the September 11th attacks, and talks about a plan
by the U.S. Government to use nuclear weapons on Florida in 1963.
Kenneth asks me if
I believe the official version of the September 11th attacks,
if terrorism is real then why were we lied to about Iraq, and
should states have the right to secede from the Union.
Kenneth's website
be found at |
May 8,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 42" Guest:
Mark from Chicago, Illinois
lives in a suburb of Chicago and is a licensed private pilot.
Mark and I talk about the retired nuke plant in his town,
bleeding heart liberals, flying, airport security in small airports,
gas prices, and his worst job
ever. Because Mark listens to many podcasts each week, I ask
what advice he would give to someone who wants to start their own show.
Mark asks me what kind of motorcycle rider I am, what
things do I do for warm fuzzies, and if something were to get me to
leave Fort Dodge what would it be.
Find out more about
Podcast and Blog |
Musical Guest:
Dayton, Ohio Sonny Combs & Kitty
Kat Rodeo
"Like A Fool" and "Let
You Go" |
Promo: Interviews
With Ronald Lewis
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
24, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 41" Guest:
Brad from
Sydney, Australia Brad
works in the advertising field and lives in Sydney, Australia.
Brad has dabbled in many things from film making,
and politics. Brad and I talk about Australia's Stolen
Generation, Australian politics, spontaneous human combustion, ghosts,
and we have a healthy discussion on civil liberties. I prod
throughout the discussion with the question of good and bad people, and
good and bad decisions. Brad asks me what I'm the
most proud
about the United States, what I'm least proud about the United States,
and what motivates me in my everyday life.
Our Guest:
Sydney, Australia Brad |
Derek "The
Bandit's" Sound Republic |
10, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 40" Guest:
Karen from
Omaha, Nebraska A
special encore presentation of our second show featuring Karen who
lives and works in Omaha, Nebraska. Karen
talks about the undiscovered "gem" that Omaha,
Nebraska is, the methamphetamine problem in small towns, politics, the
Party, and her
views on how people can make a difference when they don't like how
are going. Karen asks me what is the difference between
horsepower and torque, why the British drive on the left side
the road, and if I had an inheritable disease in my family and there
was the ability to test for it, would I want to know if I have the
disease or not.
Our Guest:
Omaha, Nebraska Karen |
Musical Guest:
Cleveland, Ohio:
The Celebrity Pilots
"Have You Had Success" | Musical Guest:
Minneapolis Supraluxe
"Tokyo" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
April 3,
2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 39" Guest:
Joe from San Diego, California Bazooka
Joe is the host of the Small World Podcast and lives in San Diego.
Joe and I discuss if regular people are interesting,
music, anger, politics, liberals, death, and religion. In a
nutshell, all the stuff you shouldn't talk about, but we do anyway.
Bazooka Joe
asks me if I have any re-occurring dreams, what's my favorite part of
conducting an interview, if I could fight anyone who would it be, and
if I could interview anyone in history who would it be and why.
Find out more about
Joe |
Musical Guest:
Massachusetts Jim's Big Ego
"Cut Off Your Head" and "Stress" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
27, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 38" Guest:
Derek from
Johannesburg, South Africa Derek
"The Bandit" is a radio personality and club DJ living in
Africa and hosts his own podcast at Sound Republic. Derek and
talk about radio from around the world, American music, the record
business, we trade radio stories, and talk about where podcasting fits
into the media world. We also discuss misconceptions about
Africa and myths about radio programming. Derek asks me why I
have a podcast named You Are The Guest,
what do I do during the weekends to relax, and if I
plan on
attending the Portable Media Expo this year.
Find out more about
"The Bandit" |
Musical Guest:
North Carolina Patty Hurst Shifter
"She's Like A Song" and "Never Know" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
20, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 37" Guest:
Ghada from
Christchurch, New Zealand Ghada
a Canadian who has been living in New Zealand for the past 3 years and
runs a multimedia company with her Kiwi husband. Ghada and I talk about
Canada, the accessibility of technology and the stress it brings to
peoples lives, the bad image that Hollywood portrays about America,
cellphone etiquette, and the problem of bullying in New Zealand
schools. Ghada asks me what is my perception of New Zealand,
what's my favorite gadget and why, and if there was an unforeseeable
disaster and I could only save one CD, which one would it be.
Find out more about
at |
Musical Guest:
Texas Common Ground
"Drop Of Hope" | Musical Guest:
Tennessee Tara Leigh Cobble
"White T-Shirt" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
13, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 36"
from Bellingham, Washington Matt
Hartley lives in Bellingham, Washington and is best known for
work at Lockergnome and the ever popular podcast Weezy and The
Swish. Matt and I talk about computers, the internet, and
technology from an everyday consumer's point of view.
Matt asks me what inspired me to get into radio, what do I
is needed in the world of motorcycling to make it safer, and if I see
my podcast as more of a personal or a business venture.
Find out more about
Hartley at |
Musical Guest:
Minneapolis Supraluxe
"Sugar Chalet" and "Run Rabbit Run" |
Su Maya,
Spiritual Counselor Su
Maya is a solitary monk who has traveled the world and studied
many of the world's religions, developed a unique style of healing that
integrates cognitive therapy, spiritual clairvoyance, and natural
remedies, and is an accomplished artist. Su and
I have a
very deep conversation about religion, spirituality, souls, and evil.
Su also tells me about my Deja Vu experiences and reads my
horoscope. Su asks me what is my definition of evil
and what
do I think will happen to evil people, what is the purpose of my
podcast, and what do I hope that listeners will take away from our
 |  |  |
Find out more about
Maya Online |
Musical Guest:
Massachusetts No One's Kind
"Unwelcome" | Musical Guest:
Bangladesh Rocket City Riot
"Cut Me Out" |
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
13, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 32"
from Beaverton, Oregon Monique is
originally from New York City, but today lives in Beaverton,
Oregon where she works for Intel Corporation and owns her own
restaurant Desert Noir Cafe and Bar. Monique and I talk about
corporate world including topics like corporate diversity and
where the new talent is coming from. We also talk about the
political cartoons which are causing unrest in the Middle East, and
state taxes in Oregon. Monique asks me where would I want to
if I couldn't live in the United States, what was my first rock
concert, and what is my favorite breakfast cereal.
Find out more about Monique's
Noir Cafe & Bar | Musical Guest: From Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Road Trip
"Blind" and "Find A Way" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
6, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 31"
from Duluth, Minnesota Danny
lives and works in Duluth and is the host of the Wonderful World of
Danny Podcast. Danny tells about what's going on in Duluth
and we
talk about the President's recent State of the Union Address, foreign
affairs, healthcare, and The Clinton's. Danny asks me about
least favorite restaurant in Fort Dodge, if I agree with him that the
fix is on for Hillary Clinton to become the next President in 2008, and
if I own and wear a certain t-shirt while I'm riding my
Listen to
Danny's Show Wonderful World of Danny |
Musical Guest:
Washington Supersuckers
"Bubblegum and Beer" | Musical Guest:
New York Mr. Nasty
"Rock N' Roll Man" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
from San Francisco, California Leslie
is living in San Francisco and is performing her one woman show
based upon her experiences from meeting over 300 men through on-line
We talk about on-line & chat room addiction, the
games men and women play
while dating, we trade dating horror stories, and talk out about her
reaction to the Mayor of San Francisco calling
the cable car operators thieves. Leslie
asks me about what item I would I take with me to a desert
island, she asks about my most memorable date, and asks my opinion on
which actor or performer hasn't received the credit
that they deserve.
Find out more
about Leslie's one woman show at
Dates: Feb 3 - March 25, 2006
| Musical Guest: From Los Angeles, California
Here" & "Don't Scream" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
23, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 29"
from Christchurch, New Zealand Brent
and his wife Shirley are the artists behind the brand name of NakedArt
where human sculptures are created by taking a mold from a live model.
Brent tells how they are able to create their unique
and we also talk about what's going on in the world including
the average citizen of New Zealand sees the war on terrorism
how they view the recent comments made by the Mayor of New Orleans.
asks me what didn't I learn at school that I now wish I had, what kind
of motorcycles do I have, and what would someone see in Fort Dodge,
Iowa that they couldn't see anywhere else.
Check out Brent &
Shirley's sculptures at |
Musical Guest:
Golden Gods
"Dynamite Lady" & "Stone Fox" |
Carved From Fort Dodge,
Iowa The
Cardiff Giant |

|  |
2004 Kawasaki
Streak | 1999 Kawasaki
ZX-9R | Past Track Days |
photos courtesy of Bill Holst Photography, Mission Hill, South Dakota
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
from Louisville, Kentucky Leslea lives
in the Louisville, Kentucky area and has both a blog and a podcast.
We talk about perceptions of government employees, and I put
in the shoes of President Bush by asking her 2 questions that were
asked of the President during a recent visit to Louisville.
Leslea asks me what are 5 things that I'm thankful for, what
books changed my life, and what 3 places would I like to live in for a
short period of time.
Here is the transcript of
the President's
Visit To Louisville, Kentucky so you can compare
Leslea's answers to President Bush.
Check out Leslea's blog at |
Musical Guest: From Appleton, Wisconsin
The Cool
Waters Band
"2 Car Garage" & "No Use Denying" |
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
9, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 27"
Raequel from
Norristown, Pennsylvania Raequel
hosts The Triscast Podcast and lives in Norristown which is about 30
miles outside of Philadelphia. Raequel wanted to give her
on Bill Clinton as a point-counterpoint from the last show (Show 26).
We discuss Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Al
John Kerry, and politics, politics, politics. Did I mention
talk about politics? Raequel asks me what's my favorite soup,
what's a cold remedy that I use, and if I could go back in time and
have a conversation with myself at age 16, what advice would I give.
 |  |
Listen to
Show Triscast Podcast |
Musical Guest:
Columbus, Ohio
& The Marbles
"Upside Down" | Musical Guest:
San Francisco, California Badstrip
Jones" |
Music provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
2, 2006: Listen
To "You Are The Guest Show # 26" Guest:
Greg from
Cleveland, Ohio Greg
lives in Cleveland and runs a very successful BBQ forum and is in the
process of making his own brand of BBQ sauce.
Greg and I
talk about many things going on in Cleveland including the top local
story on a very slow news day, how the Governor of
Ohio is doing, Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame, and you'll hear a tip from the experts when it
comes to
cooking out, including one meat that does not cook very well.
Greg asks me why or why not Stanley "Tookie" Williams should
been executed, if I think that if downtown New Orleans had been
populated with affluent white people that the rescue response would
have been quicker and handled better, and what legacy do I
hope to
leave behind.
Check out Greg's forum at |
Musical Guest: From Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Road Trip
"Dear Cheri" and "Unglued" |
provided from
the PodShow Podsafe
Music Network. Check
it out at
Star Communications |